The story behind Valley

Together towards a sexually healthy and civilized culture – a world in which we would like to see our sons and daughters grow up. But how did it all begin? And where are we now?

In 2011, Reinoud Eleveld started the Valley Orgasm project together with journalist Marleen Janssen (known from LINDA, Libelle, esta, ZIN and Happinez). The goal is to make ancient Taoist techniques and knowledge about sexual transformation accessible to a much wider audience. There will be online courses, books, training and lectures. To introduce 30,000 women to the techniques of Valley orgasm.

The origin
The beginning of the Valley Orgasm course. Women call in via "teleseminars" to participate. The knowledge comes from the East, from Taoist traditions, but the course is taught in an approachable way and with humor by Reinoud. Marleen asks questions that people can relate to - as of now, anyone from 18+ to 100+ can begin to master the techniques of Valley orgasm. The knowledge offered is free of gender, religion, tradition and politics. Valley's strength is simplicity.
Valley orgasm becomes a household word
After the publication of the book "Only for Women: The Unstoppable Rise of the Valley Orgasm" (more than 25,000 copies sold), Marleen Janssen is forging her own path. The term Valley orgasm is now well established and getting a lot of attention. You hear about it on Humberto Tan to Koffietijd, Hart van Nederland to Spuiten en Slikken. Valley orgasm makes a new start. Meanwhile, it is a movement by women, for women. Men are also welcome.
More than 120 Valley coaches
The fourth group of Valley coaches will be certified. There are now more than 120 of them. The wisdom and techniques of the Valley Orgasm have touched them deeply, and they want to pass this knowledge on to others. The first male Valley coaches are also being trained. There are currently more than 7,000 students participating in the Valley Orgasm course.

What is the essence of Valley Orgasm?

In this film, several Valley coaches share their stories. They show how Valley Orgasm has changed their lives and what the training means to them. And, of course, Reinoud Eleveld also speaks. He shares his vision of building a sexually safe world, where sexuality is neither suppressed nor boundless.

Our mission

The goal of Valley Orgasm is to create a sexually safe world. A culture where you can and may fully develop your sexual identity on a secure way. With respect to your boundaries, those of others and for the greater good. Including knowledge about reproductive sexuality and transformation sexuality. A world in which we would like our daughters and sons to grow up.

Our vision

How do we do that? By telling as many people as possible about transformational sexuality and self-bashing. Self-love is still quite unknown in our culture. So unknown that it has not yet been included in De Dikke van Dale. Well, ‘self-service’ and ‘self-reflection’. At Vallei-orgasm we would like to change that. Because unknown makes you unloved. And loving, that’s what it’s all about.

The team

Anita Groeneveld
Deborah Vogel
Community Manager for Valley Coaches, Trainer
Jos Goossens
Co-founder, Marketing and Communication
Liz Seuren
Social media
Ciska Beijer
Dean of the Valley Coach Training Program
Peggy Aarts
Moderator of the Facebook Group, Trainer
Jeroen van Weeghel
Trainer (Men)
Michiel Melman
Confidential Advisor
Tim Rood
ICT, Administration
Berteld Kok
Support for Communication with Valley Coaches
Christel van der Meer
Patroness, Trainer
Bertine van Dijk
Customer Service, Events
Seppie Groot
Design, Editing
Isabel Timmers
Author, Trainer
Andreas Groenendaal
Supportive Community Manager for Valley Coaches, Trainer (Men)
Reinoud Eleveld
Founder, Teacher, Source of Valley Orgasm
Mirjam Meinhardt
Organization, External Contacts